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Miami School Prices

For start dates and rates

at Venezuela Centers click here


Intensive Course

20 hours weekly.
Monday to Friday. 4 classes every day.
Small groups (Max 4 students).
Optional: Lodging in family home, private room (not meal).
Study material free.

4 Weeks
US $ 2,440
US $ 1,460
3 Weeks
US $ 1,865
US $ 1,130
2 Weeks
US $ 1,285
US $ 795
Additional week

US $ 620

US $ 345


Additional day lodging in Latin family home, private room.

US $ 35

Hotel tourist class, private room. Per day

From $120/Night

Extra Intensive Course

20 hours of group class weekly.
Monday to Friday. 4 classes every day.
Small groups (Max. 4 students).
10 private classes (one to one) weekly.

Optional: Lodging in a family home, private room (not meal).
Study material free.

4 Weeks
US $ 4,070
US $ 3,090
3 Weeks
US $ 3,095
US $ 2,360
2 Weeks
US $ 1,750
US $ 1,645
Additional week
US $ 990
US $ 745


Additional day lodging in Latin family home, private room.

US $ 35

Hotel tourist class, private room. Per day

From $120/Night


Spanish Express Course

40 private classes per week.
Monday to Friday. Eight Classes Daily.

Optional: Lodging in a family home, private room (not meal).
Study material free.

1 Week
US $ 1,995
US $ 1,750
2 Weeks
US $ 3,815
US $ 3,325
3 Weeks
US $ 5,635
US $ 4,900
Additional week
US $ 1,820
US $ 1,575


Additional day lodging in Latin family home, private room.

US $ 35

Hotel tourist class, private room. Per day

From $120/Night


Private Spanish Course

One-one classes. 10, 15, 20, 30 or 40 classes weekly. You can choose your own schedule. Study material free. Optional: Lodging in family home, private room or hotel.

10 hours of classes
US $ 500
24 hours of classes
US $ 1,100
36hours of classes
US $ 1,590
60 hours of classes

US $ 2,570

100 hours of classes
US $ 4,125


Lodging in a family home, private room. US $ 245/week
Hotel tourist class, private room
From $120/Night


USA First foreign language, spoken by more than 30.000.000 people.
JAPAN Second foreign language.
UN One of the official language
SPANISH Spoken by more than 600 million people in the world.

For start dates and rates

at Caracas & Puerto La Cruz Centers click here

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