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CEVES' intensive Spanish Program is suitable to your academic, professional, commercial and/or social needs. Take advantage of our outstanding teaching method: a systematic lessons plan delving into the structure and the use of the language, combined with a pleasant working atmosphere; it helps you to improve your communication skills as well as your comprehension ability. Our courses are offered in either small groups or private tutoring.

• Speak Spanish fluently and precisely
• Understand "every-day" Spanish
• Write Spanish correctly and fluently
• Read and understand Spanish

  • This program has been designed to achieve a full control of Spanish and develop skills that will be needed to speak, understand, read and write it correctly.
  • The various levels of the program - Basic, Intermediate, Advanced & Superior - will be adjusted to the individual needs of each participant.
  • On the first day, the students are evaluated and placed in the right level, depending on their previous knowledge. A permanent evaluation enables us to determine the achievements and progress of the student.
  • The groups are small, with a maximum of five students. The schedule is four hours a day, Monday through Friday, with a total of twenty hours per week.
  • Our teachers are professional, selected on their experience, background and professional ability.
  • Teachers will be eventually rotated among the classes, so that the students will experience different accents, tones and ways of speaking.
  • Modern support material, carefully selected, will be available and free of charge.
    The cultural and entertainment plan will enhance the learning process. It includes trips to interesting places and a group of activities every week to complement the work in class, such as: videos, games, dance, plays, lectures, etc.
  • We offer lodging with a native family, including private room, breakfast and dinner.

The fastest possible way to learn Spanish.

Through private lessons, this program will be adjusted to suit every student needs: 10, 15, 20, 30, or 40 hours of classes per week, over a period of 1, 2, 3, 4 or more weeks, or as many weeks as you would like.

The school will also help you find the lodging of your choice.
You can begin the lessons on any Monday of the year.

The student will take part in the activities of the cultural and entertainment plan.

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